Adoration Guidelines

Good Shepherd is blessed to have a Chapel for Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (open for adoration 24 hours a day, seven days a week).  If you wish to schedule time for this liturgical worship, we recommend the following guidelines:

Visiting the Chapel
We welcome you to stop by the chapel anytime day or night or feel free to sign up for any available time-slots in advance.  The registration book is available at the entrance.

Feel free to visit often and stay as long as you are able, and please be reliable if asked to substitute for one of the committed adorers. The perpetual presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a great blessing for us all and will require the ongoing support of our whole parish.

The Adoration Chapel is located on the south west side of the main church, across from the school.

Inside the Chapel

  • PLEASE SIGN IN when you arrive for your Adoration time. There will be a sign-in sheet for you to enter your name and time in and out. Prayer intention cards will be provided at the entrance of the chapel below the sign in booklet.
  • SILENCE is the general rule for the Adoration Chapel, including any communication between individuals praying in the Chapel. Anyone should be able to enter the Adoration Chapel, either at their committed time or as a guest, and find silence in the presence of Jesus. Children should be instructed in proper behavior before entering the Adoration Chapel. If you are using your electronic device for prayer purposes only, please make sure that you use head sets or ear buds with the volume at low so no one can overhear.
  • Prayer pamphlets, rosaries and bibles have been provided for your use while at the Adoration Chapel. Please do not remove these items from the Chapel so they can remain available for others. No other materials should be left at the Adoration Chapel.
  • Please do not bring any food or drink into the Adoration Chapel, including children’s treats. 

 If you would like to become a committed adorer, please contact and provide your contact information including dates and times you are available.